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Hello Reader :)

Thank you so much for being on my page and choosing to read my article. Today I would like to give a few inputs about love, a word that mesmerizes the world around you. Yes, it is because I am not going to discuss Love in general. I am going to be very specific about the love relationship between a boy and a girl. I had this in my mind for a very long time to reach it to my reader.

Below what you read in the image is an expression of love by an anonymous writer - 

Love is in your thoughts

I wonder is this how a feeling of a person in love. Isn’t this an obsession of a person? Isn’t this a craving for physical intimacy, a basic instinct of humans? Won’t this break his/her heart when the love doesn’t meet your demand? Or should I say that it’s a need? I also wonder are these feelings perpetual or just a moment of life?

As a Counselling Psychologist, I have come across people who continue to cling on to a person who actually disrespects the so-called girlfriend/ boyfriend. It is so hard to let go of the other person because they continue to have an expectation from the other end. Sometimes I feel that you need to let go of someone in whose life you are not a priority.

In the initial days of your love relationship, everything seems to be so nice, so beautiful and so perfect in your eyes. As days pass you become so close to each other and your expectation grows, which was not found in the initial days of your love relationship. As your expectation grows, a discomfort arises. When there is a discomfort, rift creates. When there is a rift, your mind recollects only the negative side of a person, which you had ignored once. Your mind’s eye shuts all the positives and breeds irritation towards your loved one.

 Elements in Love:

 I thought of a few key elements that are must in a love relationship –

  1. Accepting the person as the way he or she is by not ignoring their flaws. Ignoring something which you do not like gives you instant relief. However, your negative thoughts settle in your subconscious mind and erupt in a situation causing an imbalance in your relationship.

  2. Respecting your partner is a key element in a love relationship. When you are enjoying an unconditional love from your partner it doesn’t mean that you take that person for granted and say something that embarrasses him/her either in a social gathering or in private. You never know the aftermath of it.

  3. Building and gaining a trust that you won’t let go of the person at any circumstances form a strong love relationship. When there is a trust the person will go to any extent to protect you or fulfil your needs.

  4. The purest form of love is giving the space for the person’s feelings in a physical relationship. Understanding and giving time is very essential. This is the manifestation of your respect towards the person.


The above-mentioned points are what I thought that it could be the essential elements in a love relationship. There are many other traits to add to it. Yet you need to identify the major ones that bond your relationship.

The expression of love in the image is apparently a one-sided love. I would say that it is okay to enjoy the state of pleasure because it gives an immense feeling of satisfaction but sometimes your mind will lose control over it and it will be overwhelming to accept the truth that comes later.

Thank you once again for reading until the end. I would be glad to read your views in the comment box. 

I would also request you to check my Facebook page where I would be sharing articles, videos and quotes of psychology related concepts.

With Love

Sangeetha :)

PS: Resilience is what required if you have faced love failure. Maybe it’s not as easy as I say. But definitely it is Possible.


  1. Good one Sangee... Elements in love, without elements there is no Chemistry :)

  2. Yes, Elements in Love😊 Thank You Ma'am 🤗

  3. Nice thought. Would help people understand each other if they follow these elements

  4. Thank You for sharing your insight.

  5. This topic came as a surprise to me Sang :D Good one

    1. Thank You 😊..Yes this topic kept coming to my mind when I deal with issues like this during my Counselling sessions. So penned it.


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