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Hello Reader :)

Thank you so much for being on my page. Today I am going to share about 'Fear'. We all do experience it but do we know how to channelize it appropriately? Come let's understand what actually fear is, where it comes from and how can we help us in balancing our mental thoughts.

Trust me, Fear is Good!

What is Fear?

Fear is an emotional state of being. Fear comes from internal or external factors. The internal factors can be identified when we experience low confidence, lack of trust, the feeling of insecurity, etc. The external factors can be a threat from a person or an animal or something that will stop us in progressing ahead in life.
Fear generally occurs when we believe our perspective. Therefore, we believe that our perspective on external factors will have an impact on our internal thoughts and feelings.
Here in this article, we mostly discuss the Fear as that poses a threat in achieving our GOAL in LIFE.

Where Fear comes from?

It's simple! Fear comes from within. We perceive something and experience fear. And our body prepares us either to fight or flight situation. According to Psychology, Fear is a learnt emotion. For example, the child will not be scared of a snake unless someone tells how poisonous a snake can be. Therefore, the child understands that the snake is a threat and needs to fight or take a flight.

How can we respond to Fear?

Fear is good because it helps us to sense danger. It helps us to respond appropriately, sometimes inappropriately. When we react inappropriately, we lose our mind and that causes us to act in a way that we might regret later in our life. Now the question is what fear can cause us to do? It can turn an Atheist to Deists; Strong to Weak; Weak to Strong; Happy to Sad; Cheerful to miserable and so on.

Responding to a situation will help us to be more responsible for our actions and we are not self-centred in our behaviour.

Step-by-Step (ways to face Fear):

First, Take responsibility and analyse the situation. If you do not take responsibility the Fear will induce Stress and when the stress gets out of hand (severe) you will fail and lose HOPE.

Secondly, Involve people (if required) in decision making and solving the issue. Take Suggestions; Brainstorming will always help in clearing the air.

Thirdly, Think of the consequences of the decisions that are made (like how it will have an impact on self and the people related to) from different perspectives so that there is clarity before implementing.

Fourthly, Be accountable and implement the decision that is taken. Staying calm and being positive is the most important aspect of life. This empowers our mind to be proactive in the near future.

Finally, remember that Fear is within and we can handle it wisely.

Excercise (Implying CBT - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy):

Now, I want you to think of a situation that you are scared to take a step further. Then I want you to ask someone to read out to you step by step to practice this exercise. You can also do this exercise on someone and know how beneficial it is.
  1. Close your eyes and visualize a situation that is stressful or you are scared of.
  2. See yourself in the situation and experiencing a stressful moment.
  3. Say in your mind that 'it's okay to be scared and I am gonna fight it. It prepares me to respond positively and take the right decision'. 
  4. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY and STAY CALM because you are strong.
  5. Think of a worst-case scenario of your fear and experience it for a moment.
  6. Now, view the situation from a different perspective rather, the way you want the situation to be. It can be, however, the way you want. Live in the situation, feel it, experience the inner peace of mind and stay calm. Live in this moment for a while.
  7. SMILE and open your eyes.

Fear can Quarantine a Person but only to Rise again!

Didn't you develop a different (Positive) perspective of your fearful situation? I am sure this exercise would have tranquillized your thoughts. You can practice this exercise whenever you lose confidence. The situation can be before for instance, when you give a public speech, in dealing with relationship issues, taking a career decision, talking to your boss, family issues or peer conflict etc.

Friends, Life is Beautiful! Let's not make it complicated by wasting it on timewasters. 

If you have read it till the end and tried the exercise or if you will try it out then give me a thumbs up. Thank you so much for your continuous support.

Sangeetha :)


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