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Have you ever smiled looking at a plant? Have you ever smiled seeing a flower? Have you ever smiled at the silly acts of a child? Have you ever smiled looking at your pet play? If you have done then you are experiencing the inner peace of your life. You have the ability to balance your thought process and task.

Yes! Life is full of opportunities for those who want to live it and those who complain, life is hard and has that grumpy face finding faults mostly in others. Being surrounded by people who gossip and keep talking negatively about others is like being surrounded by polluted air. When we talk negatively we become judgemental. We never know when that poisonous air is going to harm our health and make us fall sick. Ignoring the mere fact of falling sick if we do not protect ourselves when we walk in the polluted environment will have serious health problems. Some become aware and understand to protect and respect the body while many ignore fatal health.

That's how we are when we know that we are gossiping and getting negatively influenced and vice versa. It is instant gratification when in the clique to talk about others' inappropriate stuff. It is an irresistible tendency to talk bad about others when we don't have a good opinion about the person or not on good terms. I would say that it is absolutely okay to gratify oneself by venting out the frustration, payback thoughts and other negative feelings with someone who only listens and DO NOT encourage the same.

When we talk out our feelings it will clear certain things that are in the air. It also guides us accordingly and makes us take a logical decision. Settling down the problem, clearing of thoughts in the air, talking out to the concerned person and seeking help are a few ways of balancing our problems.

This is how we need to keep ourselves happy. We need to drop the garbage in the place where we get it. Carrying all over and talking about it is useless and leads to unhappiness. Find solutions to the challenge that you face rather than blaming anyone for that matter. As I said it’s useless. It’s just a pain and strain.

Happiness is within and we are accountable for the same. Surround yourself with people of positive minds and who respect you for what you are. 

Sangeetha :)


  1. Well-said!
    A very good way of keeping yourself fit and healthy. Thank you Sangeetha for sharing:)

  2. Very truthful lines and iam following

  3. Good writing sang. All the very best for your next post:)


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